Food is an experience. Enjoying local food, as part of a viable ecosystem, can be an amazing experience. One to be celebrated around your kitchen table this holiday season. Let’s look at the upside of supporting local and regenerative food for a moment.
Appreciating Local Agriculture
The best way to eat Farm to Table is to enjoy it. Learning to appreciate local farmers and the gorgeous food they produce is where this all starts. The appreciation only grows once you realize our local farmers care about the environment and have chosen to produce food in a way that feeds the world and heals out planet. To the large “food” companies and factories it’s not about producing nutrient dense food and regenerating the soil – it’s about minimizing costs in order to maximize profit. The value of local food is different than factory produced food because it’s a different product all together: It’s more nutrient dense, it’s cared for by the farmer, it’s not highly processed and denatured, there’s fewer chemicals used (maybe none), there’s less waste, there’s a focus on ecological improvement rather than degradation. Truly local agriculture is a feeling of being connected to a noble environmental purpose through your food. The benefits can be felt in your heart and in your health.
Staying Positive
Let’s admit it. There’s a lot of doom and gloom when it comes to the global food security and environmental crisis. We can’t ignore the facts. As a whole, we are consuming more than ever. In the past 50 years, the global population has increased the consumption of food by 47%. We could see this as grim reminders and start pointing the finger. Sometimes it is way easier to focus on the problem.
Or, we can see this as an opportunity to come together and work towards a global solution. Since everybody eats, we can all do our part. And this starts with getting back to the joy of experiencing food, especially gorgeous food from our local farmers, together. This creates the positive energy for change to occur.
Gorgeous Food from Amazing Farmers
If you really want to kick start a regenerative lifestyle eating Farm to Table, have a conversation with your local farmer. Get to know them. Ask them what their days are like. You’re not going to meet more down-to-earth people (literally) ever. All that gorgeous food comes from amazing farmers that celebrate land, nature and a whole lot of hard work. You’ll feel even more positive about eating Farm to Table.
We can make a real difference just by our daily food choices and how you spend your food dollars. Your food dollar REALLY CAN make a difference. It’s your vote for how you want the future of food, water, soil and our health to look like. When you get a chance to reflect on what it means to participate in a regenerative movement, it all takes on a life of its own.
This is a great time to of year to thank everybody who participated in producing the food that has kept you and your family healthy throughout the year. Get some local food on your kitchen table this holiday season and support local. Find your local farmer right here on!