Sell more direct-to-consumer products from your farm.

Food Genie provides responsible, ethical farms with premium marketing services so that you can eliminate the middle man, get better margins, make more profit on your products and retain customers and relationships for return business. It also separates your farm from mainstream food products from farms who do not practice responsible production and management.

Modern, Practical Marketing for farmers looking for ways to make more profit and rely less on wholesale accounts.


Promote your farm online and connect to more people who are looking for nutrient dense food.

Farmers who want to spend more time producing amazing, nutrient dense food do not want to spend time marketing, posting and maintaining websites. FoodGenie helps farmers get more exposure to the people looking for local food. All you need to do is post your food listings…Food Genie does the rest!

Consumers want local food from farmers who really care about what they produce and how they treat the land.

That’s right. This marketing platform is ONLY for farmers who meet our strict management and production criteria. People deserve to know how their food is produced. Farmers who are making a difference should also be recognized for it!

We connect consumers with farmers who produce better food through ethical, regenerative and responsible farming practices.


Can any farmer promote their farm on FOODGENIE?

Nope, each farm listing must be verified by the Food Genie team (which takes about 1-2 business days) to ensure they meet our production and ethics guidelines before their listings are posted. We do not provide our services for industrial farms selling GMO products, the use of glyphosate, the use of chemical Insecticides, the use of hormone implants, antibiotic feed additives or confined animal feeding operations. We support farmers using regenerative, permaculture, humane and organic practices who are striving to provide quality and nutrient dense food while building soil and environmental resilience. We understand that there’s no perfect system, but the better we farm – the healthier we are as a community and that’s better for everyone.

How do I get started?

Post a listing for FREE for a limited time >> Click Here