Fallentimber Meadery & Ryan’s Honey Farm Store

Fallentimber Meadery

Our History, Your Tradition

Fallentimber Meadery is a member of the cottage winery industry in Alberta. Fallentimber’s doors officially opened to the public in the fall of 2010. Great mead starts with great honey, and honey is something that the Ryan family knows very well. Back in 1969, Blake Ryan started the family business when he purchased the family farm and established his first hives. Today, Blake’s son Kevin is the owner and operator of Ryan’s Honey which is sold at select stores in our region.

Tasting Tours

At Fallentimber Meadery we love to share our story, our product and our Meadery. During regular store hours we offer tours of both the brewing side and honey house and also provide an opportunity for you to taste our mead and honey. (Google Map)


  • Still Meads
  • Hopped and Ginger Meads
  • Braggots
  • Ryan’s Honey
  • Beeswax Candles

Like our honey, our mead changes with the season. The climate and seasonal bloom drives our Brewer’s inspiration one batch at a time.


  • Farm Gate Store – Saturdays and Sundays 11:00 am to 5:00 pm (Google Map)
  • Local Vendors
  • Local Restaurants

Our Honey

Our honey is collected from hives placed along a narrow band at the eastern edge of the foothills. This gives our bees access to a wide variety of wildflowers and clover that cover the hills, but limits their exposure to the expansive croplands to the east. In addition to careful hive placement, our honey is meticulously handled, and never pasteurized, to ensure that it retains a natural, fresh from the comb flavour. The result is a honey that is among the best in the business; our honey consistently exceeds the highest grades of color, clarity and moisture content set out by Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

All of our meads are produced with Ryan’s Honey and that superior flavour comes through in every glass.

Water Valley T0M 2E1 AB CA
Get directions
Sat - Sun: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Responsible Food Production is The Key

The Regenerative Ag movement has given agriculture a chance to demonstrate its potential as a force for addressing climate change and preserving the planet for future generations. It was lost for a few generations while Industrial Agriculture proved to be both inadequate and devastating to both human health and nature. But many regenerative methods are back and better than ever with a true and clear understanding of why our ancestors used many of these practices for thousands of years before us.
